Performance Since Inception (%)

This chart shows the performance of the AVI Portfolio since its inception in 2022.

June 2024

📈 Down 0.98% last month

💰 100% of trades closed last month profitable!

✅ Our biggest portfolio contributor so far being $BTMD at a change of 110.75%

✅ Portfolio Up 1.85% YTD!

💡 The stock market continues to scream ahead with over-valuations handed to the largest 7 companies in the world starting to get out of hand. This exuberance has led to the top 7 companies in the S&P500 making up over 32% of the S&P500 itself. This is the largest over-concentration of the US stock market in history which is becoming a true cause for concern.

💡 Whilst no-one can predict the direction of travel for stock prices we continue to focus on improvements in fundamentals over increases in stock prices. Whilst companies such as Nvidia have seen a significant improvement in revenue, earnings, debt, etc. these are nothing in comparison to the exponential increase in stock price. Whilst these companies are certainly worth more than they were 1, 3 or even 5 years ago, the price simply doesn’t match the value.

💡 With this in mind our portfolio looks to focus its efforts on companies where value exceeds prices, not the other way around. Let’s keep focus going into the second half of the year, knowing that should the worst come to pass we hold businesses that can weather the storm.

Quarterly Report - Q2 2024

Quarterly Report - Q1 2024

Annual Report - 2023

Quarterly Report - Q4 2023

Quarterly Report - Q3 2023

Quarterly Report - Q2 2023

Quarterly Report - Q1 2023

Annual Report - 2022